Friday 4 April 2008

Enjoying Pencil.

For so long as I've been enjoying art (6 or 7 years on and off), I have always had a special leaning towards pencil drawing, but I've avoided trying to do anything too ambitious. I've recently tried a number pieces that have challenged my limited capabilities.

The Duchess of Montrose contains more detail than I have ever attempted before. This engine has fond memories for me because it was one that I had in model form as a boy. It was one of the Hornby 00 range and I had quite a nice set up back in the late 50's, early 60's.

The fist is one I copied from an art book. The outline was not so hard to draw but I did find the shading to be quite challenging. The shading gives the hand solidity and dimension, as well as displaying the veins, and the whole effect is one of a hand being lit from above. It's not exciting as far as drawings go, but it was an interesting exercise nonetheless.

Finally, my jacket. It has a silky quilted lining and I wanted to see if I could convey that silky sheen in a black and white pencil drawing. Though I think others could have done it better, I am not disappointed with the result.

If you are a beginner with pencil or any other drawing or painting medium, you might be interested in visiting my web site. You may also be interested in joining my art forum. It is run for beginners by beginners, so we're all in the same boat and help each other where we can.

What happened to March?

Once upon a time I had this silly notion that I would keep a blog and post to it most days. It sounded like fun and surely couldn't be hard. Duh? Little did I appreciate that there's not always time in a busy day to sit online tapping out useless thoughts in the futile hopes that they may be read by anyone. When I do break away from my day job and household chores long enough to pursue something more pleasurable, my first thoughts turn to my web site. Is everything ok there? Have I been hacked? Have I had many visitors today? Does anything need doing maintenance-wise? Then it's into my forum to catch up on the posts. Read everything that's new, toss out a few comments in reply and check that no 'undesirables' are flooding the place with spam. Pastimes like Photography, Drawing and Painting seem to be harder than ever to make time for, and the blog ... well, it's now April and I'm staggered to see that I last posted in February. Clearly this is one of my pastimes that must be marked 'Must try harder'.

Friday 15 February 2008

Latest Picture Puzzle

My forum's latest Picture Puzzle (number 4) is a change from previous versions. Previously we've copied an existing painting but this time we've decided to use a photograph. Choosing a suitable subject for this project is not always easy because it's important that every 'square' has something of interest in it. Large expanses of blue sky or green fields can be very boring if all you are given to paint is a blue or green square.
JWJarts Forum - Picture Puzzle Painting ProjectFor this first time with a photo, we are using a picture I took last summer of some of my Fuchsia's. It's not the greatest of photo's as far as photo's go, but it has sufficient detail in all corners to ensure that every artist has something interesting to paint. Not only do the artists enjoy the challenge of painting something, but the fact that they don't know what the overall final picture will look like adds to the interest. They also have much fun guessing who has painted each square. If you're a novice painter, why not join us - JWJarts Art Forum - for beginners by beginners

Come back often and watch as new segments are added to this months Puzzle Picture.

Monday 28 January 2008


One of the things I love about my garden is the fact that I have something flowering in it every month of the year. It is an easy misconception that gardens are a 'summer' pastime, but nature doesn't stop working just because the season has changed.
From spring bulbs, through summer flowers, and on into autumn and winter. And don't the birds just love the late flowering spikes of the Mahonia in December.

But it all starts in January with the Snowdrops. Small, delicate flowers with the toughness of old boots. I have no idea which specific variety populates my garden, but I suspect it is just a basic common type. (If you know, drop me a line).

I always see small green shoots breaking through the surface of the ground around Xmas time, and by the first week in January buds are well formed. By mid-month, many are opening and by the last week of the month, they are in much abundance. They will last at least until the middle of February, and sometimes even longer.

This is where another of my hobbies comes into its own, as I rush off to fetch my camera to make a permanent record of what these little chaps are up to. I said "as tough as old boots" and I'm not exagerating. They grow pretty much anywhere .... in the shade of a large Apple tree, in a small gap between shrubs, in a rocky crevice and even by forcing their way through a gravel pathway. Even my Gnomes can appreciate the early beauty that Snowdrops bring to the winter garden.

Thursday 6 December 2007

Have a dull and dismal Xmas

That seems to be the message we're getting here in Northampton. In their ultimate wisdom, our illustrious Local Authority boffins have really gone to town with the town center Christmas decorations this year .... we've got none!!! Well, that's not quite true. We've got a string of white bulbs round the Market Square and a big tree ... covered in white bulbs. Boy oh boy.

There was a time when our Town Center was a joy to behold. We could go to the shops in the evening, and stroll through the pedestrianised center soaking up the spirit of Christmas. Going back even further, when Abington Street was still open to traffic, we had large illuminated decorations that were worth travelling from afar to see. But year after year, the number of decorations and the standard of them, has progressively reduced. Over recent years, the standard has become so poor that it is hard to imagine how things could get any worse. But hats off to our council ... they managed it. Poor became bad, bad became pathetic, and now pathetic has become embarrassing.

Someone in Sheffield told me this week that they never hear Northampton mentioned on the television news. Hardly surprising, I thought, as we're not exactly 'local' to Sheffield. However, this week Northampton was on the news in Sheffield - as the most UNdecorated town center in the country. How embarrassing is that?

No doubt our local officials are aware of some strategic rationale that justifies such an appalling demonstration of how not to spread good cheer at this festive time, but it defeats me. Cost cutting I can understand, but I understand about false economy also, and that's what this is. If our retailers report below average shoppers, especially from out of town, who will be surprised.

Still, on a positive note, it can't get worse than this, so Christmas 2008 can only be an improvement. Right? Let's hope so.

Merry Christmas from me.

Friday 30 November 2007

Monthly Painting Project.

This is great fun, but probably the most challenging project that we run in the art forum. One of our members posts a photograph of an object, scene, view and then the rest of us try and paint it. All of the paintings are emailed to me and I display them side-by-side on a web page at the end of the month. We then all get to see how everyone else tackled the subject, appreciating the area's where others did better than us, and where we did better than others.

It's very important to appreciate that I insist on a non-competetive atmosphere in the forum. By this, I don't mean people aren't interested in doing the very best they can, I mean that we don't set out to try and do better than each other. At the end of every month, no one says "Oh, his is the best" or "So-and-so's is worst". It's not about 'competing', it's about self-appraisal. As a result, even the most inexperienced beginner does not feel awkward or inferior if their painting isn't as good as some of the others - they learn from it, and that is the purpose. In addition, even the more experienced painters will find themselves faced with a subject they'd never considered attempting previously. It takes them out of their comfort zone and presents them with a new challenge.

We have held 7 such monthly projects now, and every one has been greeted by a myriad of groans along the lines of "Oh my goodness - we'll never paint that!". At the end of the month there are just as many surprised voices saying "Wow - that was great - I'm really pleased with my effort".

In respect for those members who may appreciate a little bit of anonymity I'm not posting a link here, but anyone who wants to see for themselves what a great project this is, is very welcome to register in the forum.

Tuesday 27 November 2007

More art FUN !!!

Anyone who has read my blog previously will be aware that I run an Art Forum, and that the great bunch of members there love to find new and interesting ways of making their art fun. For quite some time now, we have had a Monthly Painting Project, in which we all paint the same photograph and then display them all together at the end of the month and compare notes.
JWJart Forum - Picture Puzzle Project #3
The most recent project we have tried is one that we have decided to call 'Picture Puzzle'. An existing painting is disected into squares (not literally) and the squares are distributed to the members, each member then painting his or her square. As the squares are painted, so they are added back into a grid, gradually rebuilding the original painting. The first one we did is shown a few posts down. Here is the picture for our second one. Why not come back from time to time and watch it gradually taking shape.