Saturday, 3 March 2018

Paddle Steamer

Yet again I find myself posting here after a long absence. Though I am still very enthusiastic about my art, it seems I never actually sit down and do any. I find time to keep my Art Forum up-to-date, feeding it with posts, topics and projects, and I constantly tweak and maintain my Art website where I've recently spent a huge amount of time making it fully 'responsive', which is tech-speak for "suitable for mobile devices of all types and sizes", but when it comes to picking up pens, pencils or brushes it just doesn't happen. Is this what they call "artists block" .... the interest to draw or paint but lacking the 'drive' to actually do anything?

Anyway, recently I felt a sudden urge to do something art-wise and felt drawn (excuse the pun) to the idea of doing a pen drawing of an old fashioned, shallow draft, Mississippi-style Paddle Steamer. I found a suitable reference photo and dusted off my set of Micron pens. I really enjoyed the process and the drawing was completed much too quickly. Now I have the urge to draw an old Farm Tractor in a similar way .... but will I actually do it? LOL.


  1. Great work! I had 'artists block' for almost two years, hardly painted anything. But it went away one day.

    1. Thank you Judy. Good to know it passes eventually. ;-)

  2. This is once again...AMAZING John!!! I think we all get "Artist Block". I thought I was the only
    When I push myself to do a painting it never I just leave it on the easel until I'm ready ... I can't wait to see the farmers tractor... (Whenever you're ready!!!). Enjoy your day!!!!

    1. Hilda, I'm glad I'm not the only one that can't 'force' drawing or painting to happen. I'm also finding I need to be enthusiastic about the subject and can't sit and draw just any old thing. Thank you for your lovely supportive comment as always. ;-)

  3. John, me old mate! Long time; missed your company! I think we are both in the doldrums and I just posted a very similar post to your own (chuckle).

    It's a great drawing of a steam boat (a favourite subject of mine).

    Do the tractor now! Whilst your in the mood ... get a roll going.

    1. How lovely to see you here John. Yes, I came across your wonderful drawing of Arabia while hunting for a reference photo. Superb work and very inspirational. Sorry to hear you're also in the doldrums. I hear what you say about doing the Tractor now, but alas prior commitments get in the way. Let's hope I can keep the mood on the boil until time permits. ;-)

  4. Wonderful piece! I hope you find more time for drawing.


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