Saturday, 8 May 2010

An exercise

When discussing my "Modern Home" painting with an artist friend I commented on how 'tight' I was feeling with my work and how I wish I could loosen up a lot more. My friend, an extremely accomplished artist, set me a simple exercise. He told me to do the same painting again but this time allow myself no more than 5 minutes for drawing a pencil outline and no more than 25 minutes for the painting. Given the detail in the original (which took me many hours over several days) this seemed like an impossible task. However, I gave it my best shot and although the painting is not one to be proud of, I am nevertheless quite pleased with how well it turned out. This is an exercise I will definitely repeat again from time to time because, despite the result, it was great fun not being so fussy about keeping within the lines.


  1. I'm glad you showed us this one John. While I like your finished picture in all its detail, this quick painting shows how we can produce something that's simple, attractive and easy on the eye.

  2. Thanks Frank. Just like your Robin sketch I found this an interesting exercise.

  3. Personally, I prefer this version. I like paintings where the viewer can have some input in the creative process.

  4. Well John, I think this is amazing for such a short amount of time. I also find it really hard to loosen up. I once went on a site that offered tips on loosening up - Tip one: Paint in the dark!! Lol! I thought that was quite funny!

  5. Keith, I know what you mean. This one was a bit too rushed but the basic principle I found quite enlightening.

    Sandra, thank you so much for visiting my blog - it's much appreciated. That's an interesting tip. But some think most of my work has been painted in the dark anyway - LOL.

  6. It was good advice. Working loosely requires one to paint less detail and concentrate on shapes and values. It's not easy to try and change one's style.


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